Previous Artists
Below are a list of some of the artists from the Webcomic Factory’s past.
Fernando Jimenez, People Are Terrible
Jacob Alexander, Willy’s Space Dive
Henrik Magnusson, So Many Nightmares
Bryce Oquaye, Herman Has Superpowers
Ricardo Enguita Palomar, Scumbag Cop
Horacio Boriotti, The Antiwar Comic
Sleight, digital hobo 26-41
J.Travis Smith, Weird Biker Tales
Guillermo Martin Villarreal, digital hobo 21-25
Muñoz Ezekiel, Pin Junkies Strips 9-13
Roberto Cota Briceño, The Antiwar Comic
Bobby Peñafiel, Willy’s Space Dive
Jerry Loomis, East Coast vs. West Coast
Jim Loveall, digital hobo, Strips 15 thru 20
DON EDWARDS (artist for Olde Tyme Gamer, strips 10 to 94)
EDDIE JENSEN (former artist for digital hobo, from 9/24/11 to 1/21/12)
IVAN CORTEZ (artist for The Gentlemen’s Club)
MARK SMITH (artist for Kingdom of the Dwarves, pages 1 thru 9)
NICK JUSTUS (artist for Pin Junkies, Strips 1 thru 8)
NOCKIMAN (former artist for digital hobo Strips 1 thru 6)
TIM RACADIO (artist for Tales of Pizza 1 thru 4)
TOM KURZANSKI (artist for Post Apocalyptic Nick)
TOMMY PHILLIPS (artist for The Horror of Colony of 6, 1 thru 30)
LETTERER (Comic Book Mafia, Japanese Schoolgirls in Love)
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