I am originally from Dayton Ohio; you know the place where airplanes were born. I studied illustration and design at Columbus College of Art and Design. It was before the days of fancy Adobe software, so basically I learned how to make cave paintings. I currently call Cincinnati home.
I’ve always had a love for cartooning, from an early age I would always doodle when I should have been taking notes in class. I have worked on a few webcomics over the years; my first was illustrating The Adventures of Ted Bagel in the mid 90’s, when the net was just a zit-faced teen.
Now, I currently am fulfilling one of my lifetime goals by drawing Nicolas Cage and Jack Nicolson in comic strips. I illustrate for the weekly comic Celebrities! a very weird and funny comic about famous people. I’m also available to do freelance illustration and design work.
I can be found online here:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jim.loveall
Twitter: @JimLoveall
Celebrities!: http://celebrities-comic.com/
www.jimloveall.com (coming soon.)
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