Roberto Cota Briceño was born in La Paz, Baja California Sur, México in 1980. He studied Graphic Designand graduated in 2001. He moved his residence to Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México in 2003 and now he lives there withhis wife Liliana and daughter Andrea. He started to teach Graphic Design in Universities around the city.
He started to make his own comic books, including his character, La Choya Atómica in 2007. He has comic books and a strip in a newspaper three-times a week. He also worked with some magazines in México (Superluchas, Mad México, DeathMoon Cómics, Cómic Zone and independent publications) and in the USA (12 comics, Chikara Pro Wrestling)
He wrote reviews and notes about comic for the web magazine called CulturaCómic ( and appears at art events like local Art festivals and Book Fairs in Cabo and La Paz. He also assisted with national comic conventions in July 2011 when he assisted with Expo Cómic to México City.
Also, he wrotes stories forkids and young people, and he will soon publish a graphic novel about La Choya Atómica.
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