The Antiwar Comic: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste
I looked up Malverde in the lower corner of the last panel. Roberto had included it and it wasn’t in the script. I asked Roberto what the significance was of Malverde’s pic in the corner in the last panel and here’s what he said via email: “in Mexico, mostly of us we are catholic, in catholic religion, when you burn up a candle for a saint, it is like you want some favor from him/her in Mexico, Malverde is like a kind of saint, not officially by the catholic religion, but some people thinks he is, and he is know for be the Saint of Narcos (drug dealers) that means, DEA burn a candle for Malverde, because it is for him, DEA gots lots and lots of work”
Sometimes you get some amazing surprises doing comics. A new perspective. That was one of them for me.
Discussion (3) ¬
Hard to have a small government when you’re big on war. (Well, at least that sounded good, but I guess governments can be bigger in countries that don’t wage as much war on things. Still no excuse to waste taxpayer money like that. Well, except for the taxpayers voting for guys who waste their money.)
In the fourth panel I think that the “off” near the end should be “of”.
Yes, indeed. We seem to find a way to wage war on everything here. Mostly, I think the War on Drugs is a war against ourselves.
Fixed! Thanks Gill.