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By “human equation” they actually mean “witnesses”, right? Oh, and the ability to blame any ‘accidents’ on hackers, which would of course require more restrictive internet legislation. It’s win-win! For added deniability they could also blame things on program errors, or blame actual program errors on hackers, whichever seems more beneficial at the time.
(In the third panel I think “he idea” should be “the idea”. And in the fourth panel I wonder if “haj” shouldn’t be “haji” or “hajj”.)
I’m reading your comment actually saying to myself, “Finally! A typo-free strip!” And then, bam! Dammit!
I don’t know about the Internet connection, but my worry is that drones are so cheap and easy to make, when the US finally runs out of cash and is no longer a world power, some countries will be looking for payback. I hope my basement holds up.
Aww, don’t worry about running out of cash. Helicopter Ben got you covered.
Reference Vaughn Frederic Bodé, ‘Junkwaffel’, site:
Are you comparing this to Bode? That’s high praise if so.
I have recently read an article from popsci that showed that drones are already being used to monitor the borders and by local law enforcement to arrest people when they are unprepared.
Oh, yeah. The police has become so militarized it’s going to be hard to distinguish them from the soldiers soon.