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So you really want to pay this game? OK, I will play:
1. You equate the BLM movement to a group of White Nationalist who launch a “riot” on the seat of American government, the Capital Building, because they did not like the results of a free and fair election. Uhh… Sure.
2. No where in the BLM core statements do they call for the overthrow of the government unlike the speech Trump and his supports gave prior to the “riot” at the capital. Trump said the “fight” over 20 times in his speech which can be found online.
3. No where in the BLM core statements do they call for the death of anyone. During the Capital “riot” (which can found online) many of the MAGA rioters can be heard calling for the deaths of politicians. They set up a hangman’s noose to hang the vice president and shouted: “Hang Mike Pence”.
4. I can’t find one police death link directly to a BLM portest. 3 police officers are dead because of the MAGA Capital “riot”. I don’t hear “Blue Lives Matter” from the right on this one. Oh, that’s right. That only for Black people…
5.. You continuously talk about Antifa, but for the life of me, I can’t find ANY information about them online (unlike BLM). The only information about Antifa I can find is from right-wing sites like yours. Antifa, according to the web, is a German political group. Wiki has them as an anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement..
6. I seems to me Antifa and BLM is the boogie man the right uses to justify their actions. “…but the BLM and Antifa destroy stuff so when we destroy its OK.” I call BS.
7. You try to link ALL BLM protests to violence when they are not. Does violence happens at BLM protest? Yes! Yet most of them have been peaceful but those protest don’t make the airwaves. BLM protest at The Capital where the military forcefully removed people so Trump could take a picture of an upside down bible was peaceful. Unlike the “riot” by the MAGA movement which left people dead.
8. BLM movement: 1. Social and racial justice. 2. Hold the police accountable for their action. 3. People can come together for positive change.
9. MAGA movement: 1. White Nationalism 2. White grievances 3. Fear of others.
10. BLM movement is full of everyday people (with some anarchist) protesting.
11. MAGA movement is full of White nationalist, hate groups, anti-government, and anti-foreigner groups with many heavily armed militia groups supporting it. And members of congress like Ted Cruz of Texas…
You can continue to turn a blind eye to the issue. You can continue to cover for these people. You can continue to support these people. People in government can continue to aid these people. The police can openly support these people… until one day, these people come for you like they did in the national’s capital. One day, these people will come for you and by that time, it will already be too late…
First they came for the minorities, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a minority.
Then they came for the foreigners, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a foreigner.
Then they came for the democrats, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a democrat.
Then they came for the politicians they did not like, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a politician they did not like.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. I thought
my “right” to “free” speech would protect me…
Are you okay kel? Do you need someone to talk to because I’m kinda busy. Maybe find another webcomic site. There are plenty out there. Something happy. Like this.