Hey Factory Fans!
Big weekend. Avengers. Game of Thrones. What next? Comics!
Harold George, artist for I Hate My Kids, has some upcoming appearances. This Saturday, he’ll be at Invincible Comics in Modesto, California. He’ll be signing for Free Comic Book Day. I will not be, as I have Chris Moreno’s (artist for Super Frat) wedding reception to attend.
Harold will also be at Graffiti Con on June 23rd, also in Modesto. Check out some of the artwork he did for the show.
Don’t miss today’s Validation.
At Super Frat, I got so tied up doing videos this weekend, I accidentally moved Your Fratoscope to Monday. Don’t worry, my predictions are as accurate as ever. (Unlike my Game of Thrones predictions.)
And the Quote of the Day is from Wade Boggs:
“A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.”
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