Hey Factory Fans!
Gotta say, I really enjoyed Canada when I visited. Toronto is a pretty cosmopolitan city. Clean, a nice subway— Sort of like Atlanta only colder. But I’d never visit in the winter. Too cold for me.
Hey we got lots of sponsors this month, so don’t forget to visit ’em! Supporting them, supports us! First up, East Side Mags (doing a signing there in August), located in beautiful downtown Montclair, NJ. Then there’s the Jersey Shore Comic Book Con on July 17th, which I will also be a part of, stop by. Then there’s River City Comics, who has sponsored two signings with me, in scenic Berlin, NJ. And our long time sponsors, MyDigitalComics.com. Visit their site, most downloads are free!
Today at Super Frat it’s Your Fratoscope for June 26, 2016.
And don’t miss today’s episode of Winter of Discontent.
And the Quote of the Day is from Marshall McLuhan:
“Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity.”
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