Hey Factory Fans!
Never was really good at making friends. I have this weird gene in me that allows me to piss off people, no matter how well-intentioned my motives are. That doesn’t stop me from trying, however. And every once in a while, I succeed!
Speaking of new friends, I’ll be doing what will probably be my only signing of the year at River City Comics in Berlin, NJ on August 1st. Ryan, the owner, just opened the store with his lady and they are very nice people. I’ll be signing Bart Simpsom #97 plus my usual stuff while supplies last. It starts at Noon and goes to whenever, so stop by. Maybe we’ll be friends!
And my other new friends are, of course, Geek4Geek! Geek products made by geeks. And, our long time friends, MyDigitalComics.com, for all your digital download needs.
Today at Super Frat, it’s Rewritten Headlines: BLT to Bambi.
And the Quote of the Day is from Rasheed Ogunlaru:
“Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you”
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