Character Profile: Dr. Thomas Mauer from Comic Book Mafia
First Appearance: Comic Book Mafia #2
Description: Dr. Mauer is a comic book letterer and mad scientist who has been supplying the Lead Pipe Organization with specialized weapons, armor and comic book supplies for several years. Married to a music school teacher and father of a son, Dr. Mauer’s mind cracked when his son’s first (written) words were “I love Comic Sans” – which the little tyke wrote into his mashed potatoes at age 1, lettering Comic Sans perfectly.
He’s been trying to unlock the mysteries of the dark calligraphic arts ever since to “cure his son of this madness,” finding allies in CB and Tony D for this endeavor. His loyalty maybe tested as he suspects there is a mole within Lead Pipe. Whether his loyalties lie with the publishing gangsters or his strange agenda remain to be seen.
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