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I read that US denies interest in Uganda oil. And I struggled to contain a burst of laughter, because it was in the middle of the night.
In the fifth panel, it looks like “always stars” should be “always starts”.
Thanks Gil. Uganda has oil? Oh, boy. Not good.
While I agree with your general point…got a problem with you comparing Bush to Kony, and it’s not because I’m a big Bush fan. When you just say “He killed more people” that doesn’t even come close to a fair comparison. Yes, more people were killed, but the US at least tried to limit civilian casualties (though they were unable to). Do you think with as much firepower in his hands as bush had that Kony would do the same? And under Bush water-boarding was used…which is absolutely wrong and ineffective. Compare that to what Kony does…kidnap kids, have them kill and sometimes rape their own family members, force them to be soldiers using constant rape and violence that makes water-boarding look like a walk in the park. And these are CHILDREN, not grown adults who arguably knew what they were getting into.
Again, this isn’t to downplay what Bush did…but I think by comparing Kony and Bush you’re downplaying what Kony is doing.
I agree though that there isn’t a simple answer to this.
Well, that’s one way of looking at it. Another way is this: Kony comes from a completely different tribal culture and tribes in that region have literally been killing each other for thousands of years. It’s also an incredibly desperate situation where people find ways to survive. As I said in the piece, I don’t condone Kony or his actions, but desperate people do desperate things to survive. What’s he’s done is pretty gruesome, but in that part of the world, it doesn’t totally surprise me that something like this has happened. It’s shocking, but it’s not particularly surprising given that part of the world and the extreme conditions. LRA didn’t just pop into Kony’s head. It was, in part, a response to the conditions created over the last few decades, if not centuries.
On the other hand, George W. Bush had everything. Money, fame, the finest schools and the best of everything. He’s never had to work a day in his life unless it was for fun and exercise. And why did he kill so many people in a pre-emptive, immoral and illegal war. His ego. What other reason could their be? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and he KNEW that. So why the war? To show up his dad. And to this day, he hides behind the US government and tells everyone he did what he had to.
Kony will get a bullet in his brain one day, if he hasn’t already. He’s a psychopath. A rabid dog that will be put down. Bush will retire peacefully and die in his sleep. He’ll never serve a day in prison, he’ll be able to do (mostly) whatever he wants and he’ll never answer for the countless lives he’s destroyed. And they are countless. The families of the dead, the injured, the displaced— What recourse do they have? None. And they have to suffer W’s fame. The media interviewing him, news about his latest escapades and the words of the Neocons that defend him. Many of his policies have be codified into law and will continue to destroy lives for years to come. Children of today and for generations after will suffer.
I guess there’s a certain ruthless honesty that Kony maintains. He’s evil and even he probably acknowledges that. Bush demands not only that he not be prosecuted, but that he be respected for what he’s done. I can’t get past that.