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City Folk, The Webcomic
Company Man
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The Flavor Razor
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I, Mummy
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Legacy Control
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Spirits of Suburbia
Tangent Artists
Teaspoon Comics
The Devil’s Panties
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Vinnie the Vampire
Wayward Raven
Winter of Discontent
Woo Hooligan!
Yesterday’s Popcorn
Zombie Boy Comics
Chuck Norris is already gonna ruin The Expendables. I don’t need him messin’ anything else up. 😀
They say Chuck Norris’ box office poison, is actual poison.
I love how the infotainment media creates this cult of personality for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for their backgrounds, and they somehow enjoy the same celebrity status among young people as Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Hannah Montana. Especially when they feign this superficial ‘progressive’ campaign while ignoring Mike Gravel, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.
Yeah, the media has pretty much become the arm of the government at this point. Or at least the arm of the major political parties. It’s a disgrace that you can go on the Internet and in ten seconds find out more information than any of the major networks.
It’s even more shameful that the average American citizen doesn’t know about the eclectic political culture on the Internet but chooses establishment media instead. Although the fact that Jon Stewart is America’s favorite news reporter over all the other networks makes me somewhat less cynical.
Yeah, but even Jon Stewart has his limits. And as he’s stated on his show, it’s not his job to investigate. Sadly, it’s only because he and Colbert are “not taken seriously” that the establishment seems to leave them alone. But every time I get into one of these discussions, I am reminded of that scene with Stephen Fry in V for Vendetta. He’s like the last TV show on the air, but eventually the come for him.
Chuck Norris is a universal translator, even though he only knows one language: “Kick Ass”.