Hey Factory Fans!
We’ve got new sponsors! Hooray! First, welcome back our old friends at MyDigitalComics.com! For all your digital download needs! Download some comics! Most are free!
And, please welcome our brand new friends, ConCarolinas! It’s a sci-fi con, but Carolina style! Gaming! Musical guests! Authors! Art Show! Sounds like a blast! Don’t miss it this June 1st to the 3rd! And if you do attend, tell them the Webcomic Factory sent you!
Thanks to all our new sponsors for your support! And remember fans, but supporting them, you support us!
Validation is new today.
Fat Guy Eats takes a look at Mr. Sushi over at Super Frat.
And the Quote of the Day is from Walt Whitman:
“Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes.”
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