Hey Factory Fans!
Just when you think things look bad, a good thing falls into your lap and changes it all. I just secured us another sponsor for the site, East Side Mags is back with an awesome online store. It was a rough few weeks, you may remember, failing car and computer. Other distractions which I won’t go into. I’m not the sort of person that likes to make my problems other people’s problems, but let’s just say it was a perfect shit storm for a while! Thankfully, things are turning around. Just in time so I won’t be completely miserable for the holiday!
And speaking of miserable, here’s a movie I wish I missed over at Super Frat.
And the Quote of the Day is from Charles de Montesquieu:
“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
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