Hey Factory Fans!
Nothing funnier than monkeys in the animal kingdom. I thought about doing a webcomic about monkeys. They would be a metaphor for what’s going on in the world.
Today at Super Frat, more monkey as I post Ten Things I Expect an Escaped Orangutan to do at Busch Gardens
It’s a new month. Time for all good fans to visit our sponsors! C’mon, it’s the holidays. Make it a holiday for the people who support us. Our big sponsor this month is East Side Mags in Montclair, NJ. I’ll be doing a signing with them in August. Then there’s The Jersey Shore Comic Book Show on July 17th. I will also be there with other special guests. Visit River City Comics, our good friends in Berlin, NJ. And, as always, our long time sponsor, MyDigitalComics.com, for all your digital download needs!
And the Quote of the Day is from George Carlin:
“Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town.”
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