Hey Factory Fans!
Nothing like a resupply run to the store to make me happy. It’s always a comforting sight when I see my fridge and pantry restocked. Ahhhhh.
At Super Frat, the Webcomic Review looks at the surprisingly long-running Stars on the Ceiling (since 2004!).
Harold George is making a new installment of The S.H.O.W.
And Monday means a new Validation.
Oh and a quick shout out to the folks at the Greater Philadelphia Comic Con. My friend, Tommy Castillo was in attendance and he’s been very sick. The con folks were nice enough to let me inside so I could visit. Thanks bros!
And the Quote of the Day is from Shia LaBeouf:
“I understand why marriages break up over golf. I can’t even talk about my own handicap because it’s too upsetting.”
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