Hey Factory Fans!
Well, I finally finished the Archive! Hooray! There is, of course, still some tweaking to be done, but for the most part it’s finally finished! Hopefully, this manually built archive will be less confusing than the automatic one that WordPress builds. If you have any questions or see any mistakes, please email me. It’s still an ongoing process.
And speaking of changes, I had to get rid of my PO Box at South Jersey Rebellion Productions, so don’t send anything to that anymore. Long story short, the post office wanted to fine me for being late on my rent so forget that.
Friday afternoon, I’ll be stopping by the BeTerrific.com booth at the New York Comic Con. I won’t have a table or anything, but if you catch me on the floor, I’m happy to sign comics. Speaking of which, my latest issue is Bart Simpson #98 and a story called Skateboard Renegade. Got the cover and everything.
At Super Frat, it’s a new strip called Leave Us Alone, Sarah.
There’s a new Validation today as well.
And the Quote of the Day is from Robert Louis Stevenson:
“Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer.“
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