Hey Factory Fans!
The heat is on. I am, of course, back inside my air conditioned Bat Cave, just glad that the snow is far, far behind us. Summer is comic con time! Jeez, I haven’t done one in ages. Something will come up, I’m sure.
But speaking of comic cons, make sure you attend the Philly Comic Con. It’s Philadelphia’s longest running con. Also, don’t forget to click MyDigitalComics.com, our long time sponsor. And if you’re like to sponsor the Webcomic Factory, shoot me an email. We’re looking for sponsors for June!
At Super Frat, it’s Rewritten Headlines: Bartender to Pet Detective.
Don’t miss the latest strip at Winter of Discontent.
And the Quote of the Day is from Thomas Rudman-Brown:
“The best government is the one that charges you the least blackmail for leaving you alone”
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