Hey Factory Fans!
You gotta be excited about what you do. If not, then how can you do it? Even if you do something stupid, at least be into it, I say. I love writing comics! Look at the site now! Over two dozen projects all different genres, formats and artist! I love sending the link to people. It’s exciting to have them check out the site.
And speaking of exciting, support our exciting sponsor, MyDigitalComics.com! They’ve kept us going for many-a-month now! And they love comics too. Check out their digital downloads, most of them are free.
Today at Super Frat, it’s a new strip called Math Wizzes.
There’s a pin up at Johnson & Sir.
And the Quote of the Day is from Henry Moore:
“The creative habit is like a drug. The particular obsession changes, but the excitement, the thrill of your creation lasts.“
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