Hey Factory Fans!
We got all the comics represented on the site now. New school is here and at MyDigitalComics.com. But we can’t forget our history. That’s why there’s great old fashioned comic book shows like Atomicon, our new sponsor. It’s only a buck to get in and it’s right near the shore, so you can make a day of it. Bring the kids and they get in free. Plus Ken gives away all kinds of prizes. It’s the longest running NJ shore con, so please come out and support it!
At Super Frat, Buzz and Dick get ready for class in Turning on the Tutor.
At Validation, Mr. Howard gets swamped by fans.
And the Quote of the Day is from Berkley Breathed:
“I drew the last image ever of Opus at midnight while Puccini was playing and I got rather stupid. Thirty years. A bit like saying goodbye to a child – which is ironic because I was never, never sentimental about him as many of his fans were.”
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