Hey Factory Fans!
What at day. Spent all day on the phone with my host provider for Super Frat, to learn I got my IP address flagged by THEIR outsourced security company. So then they tell me to call THEM! Can you imagine? A company I never heard of, flags my IP address and now it’s my problem! I can’t get into Super Frat or even see it from my own computer! WTF?!
So going to be moving the Super Frat site soon! Until then, expect some late updates. It’s still up. YOU can see it!
In much happier news, I’m proud to announce that Lester Crenshaw is Dead is in Previews! This October, you can have it in your hands! In print! Includes bonus pages and it has a $15 cover price. It’s gonna be sweet! Tell your friends and more importantly, tell the comic book store guys. AUG161478 is the order number he needs in Diamond Previews. Thanks!
And the Quote of the Day is from Robert Orben:
“To err is human – and to blame it on a computer is even more so.”
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