In-House Interview with Harold George, Aritst for I Hate My Kids
Hey Factory Fans!
Welcome to another installment of In-house Interview. We’re here with Harold George, artist for I Hate My Kids.
Harold’s take on Biggie
Tony: Harold, how did you get started drawing comics?
Harold: I was 6 years old when I started tracing the pages of the comic strips. I remember Beetle Bailey and Blondie were among my favorites to trace. At 16 I was memorizing the anatomy of other artists’ work on comic book and just kept practicing. I finally decided to go to school and become an illustrator. I loved doing it so much, why not make a living out of it, I thought. I had no idea “drawing” was so complicated.
Tony: How do you feel webcomics has changed the comics medium?
Harold: I think that Webcomics definitely have changed the way comics are distributed for the better. No longer does an artist have to rely on printers or shell out a load of cash to get his stuff out there. This is by far a cleaner and faster medium to work with. I still work traditionally when I can, as it for some reason or another, comes out better.
Tony: Do you think print is dead?
Harold: I don’t think print is dead just yet. I think we have a good decade or two before it goes the way of the dodo bird.
Tony: Do you work on paper or computer or a combination of the two?
Harold: I work on both. I love the soothing calm I get when working traditionally, but love the fast finishes that digital media provide. Nevertheless, I sketch traditionally as I always carry around my handy dandy drawing notebook and couple of pencils and pens.
Tony: Give us a little background on yourself. What’s your deal at home?
Harold: I currently live in the city, Harlem to be exact, but am thinking of moving to a quieter place. Not sure where yet. I’ve been living here for quite some time. Things have been a bit tough with money lately but I’m hoping things will turn around this coming year. I’ve been slowly trying to get into the comic book industry, hitting conventions and just trying to expand my network. It’s been a slow process, but I’ve met great artists along the way. I am illustrator first, and a graphic designer second. When I am not drawing a caricature for someone or comic strips, I am designing websites, business cards, flyers and logos for small businesses.
Tony: Since you draw “I Hate My Kids” I have to ask, what’s the one thing you did as a kid that drove your parents crazy?
Harold: Hmmm, I think the question here should be what DIDN’T I do. I remember my mom hated buying me new toys. Why? Because I would open them up to figure out how they worked. After I got the initial week or two weeks’ worth of play time from any of them, I would borrow her screwdriver and start meddling with the toys’ innards. To this day, I don’t know why I did that, but I understood when I first dissected a frog in my biology class. I just love to see what makes things go.
Tony: What are your artistic influences?
Harold: In the comic book world, Jim Lee is the man and will always be. I had a chance to give him my comic book package personally. Of course I’m still waiting for your call, Jim. LOL. Travist Charest, Joe Maduerira (Coolest down to earth dude I’ve met, next to Tony) and Humberto Ramos have all been great inspirations when it comes to comics.
Tony: Tell us what you’ve got going outside the Factory. I know you’re working on some other projects.
Harold: I currently publish The Funnicks and have been doing so for over a year now. Check it out sometime. Sam and Leroy would love to see you. LOL. Also working with a friend on bringing our childhood superhero characters to life. You can check out some page teasers at I’ve also been knocking out Caricatures for people. I call them Gtoons, you can check out my gallery here.
Tony: Thanks Harold! Everybody check out Harold’s sites and here’s one of his strips.
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