Happy Friday! The Affiliate Network has a couple of updates today. Over at Super Frat there’s new feature post Why I’m Going to Hell: Offensive Webcomics. And over at Dracula vs King Arthur there’s a new page.
This weekend The Webcomic Factory’s very own Tony DiGerolamo will be attending Intervention Con in the Washington DC area. This show is just for webcomic creators and fans so if you’re in town drop on by!
Tony D will be on the following panels:
It’s a Long Way Down: Taking the First Step to Success
While the internet has made it much easier and cheaper to produce artistic output, it’s still not a cakewalk to get your work online and in front of an audience. What are the most important first steps to consider when you decide to become a professional?
Our panelists will discuss what you need to know and do first to get to success later.
Panelists: Rob Granito, David Reddick, Tony DiGerolamo
The Major Leagues: Is It Worth It To Sign With A Major Label?
While the internet lets you “be your own boss” with your creative output, there are definitely some benefits for being published by a large company like DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, or any number of others. At what point does it make sense to consider licensing your work, or soliciting the major publishers for a job? Our panelists will talk about their experiences working for/with these companies — or why they haven’t if they could have.
Panelists: Rob Granito, Tony DiGerolamo
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